Demystifying nload: Real-Time Network Monitoring on Linux

nload is a tool used on Linux-based systems to monitor and visualize network traffic in real-time. It provides a graphical interface displaying the usage of network connections. nload allows users to track network traffic in a more understandable manner.

Some key features include:

  1. Visual Monitoring: Provides a graphical interface for real-time monitoring of network traffic, aiding users in quickly understanding network usage.
  2. Colorful Graphs: nload uses colorful graphs to differentiate between high and low network traffic.
  3. Network Statistics: Presents detailed statistics such as total sent and received data, packet counts, error counts, and more.
  4. Background Operation: Can be run in the background, allowing users to monitor network traffic without affecting other processes.
  5. Drunken Letter Display: nload also features a “drunken letter display” mode, where letters move around the screen in a playful visual.

The usage of nload is straightforward. Here’s an example:


This command, by default, visually monitors the traffic of all network interfaces. For more information about nload, the man nload command can be used in the terminal.

The installation of nload can vary depending on the Linux distribution and the package management system in use. Below are basic commands for installing nload on some common Linux distributions:

Debian/Ubuntu-Based Distributions (Using apt Package Management):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nload

Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS-Based Distributions (Using yum or dnf Package Management):

sudo yum install epel-release # If using EPEL repositories
sudo yum install nload


sudo dnf install nload

openSUSE-Based Distributions (Using zypper Package Management):

sudo zypper install nload

The above commands can be used to install nload on the specified Linux distributions. You may need sudo privileges on your system. Additionally, the commands may vary slightly depending on the package management system in use.

Once the installation is complete, you can simply use the nload command in the terminal to start monitoring network traffic.

nload Cheat Sheet:

  1. Monitor All Network Interfaces:
    • Initiates nload to monitor all network interfaces.
  2. Monitor Specific Interface:
    nload -i INTERFACE_NAME
    • Monitors a specific network interface by replacing INTERFACE_NAME with the actual interface name.
  3. Monitor External Connections Only:
    nload -t 2000
    • Displays only external connections, filtering out local traffic. The value after -t represents the threshold for external traffic.
  4. Display Units in Bits:
    nload -u b
    • Displays data rates in bits per second instead of bytes.
  5. Set Refresh Rate:
    nload -t 5000
    • Sets the refresh rate to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds). Adjust the value as needed.
  6. Show Peak Traffic:
    nload -m
    • Displays the peak network traffic since starting nload.
  7. Colorless Mode:
    nload -m -u K
    • Disables color in the output. Useful for systems without color support.
  8. Quit nload:
    • Quits nload and returns to the terminal.
  9. Help and Options:
    nload --help
    • Displays the help menu with available options.

This cheat sheet covers some of the basic and frequently used commands with nload. Feel free to explore additional options by checking the man nload command in the terminal for comprehensive information.

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